A group of young girls at the "Period Talk" event, supported by Pinkishe Foundation, receiving information on managing menstrual health and hygiene.

Empowering Urban Girls: Highlights from the Period Talk Workshop

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Pinkishe Foundation

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July 27, 2024

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July 27, 2024

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Neelpadan Kunji Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

On July 27, 2024, Neelpadan Kunji in Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, was the venue for a significant event titled "Period Talk." We believe it is crucial for girls to understand the changes happening in their bodies and to feel informed and supported during this important time. This event was designed to ensure that they receive accurate information and feel empowered about their menstrual health, bridging the gap created by the often-avoided conversations at home. By creating an open and supportive environment, "Period Talk" aimed to equip young girls with the knowledge and confidence they need to navigate their menstrual health with clarity and ease.

Addressing the Challenge of Menstrual Health Education for Urban Girls

This event specifically targeted urban girls, addressing a unique and pressing challenge in many city settings. Despite living in a modern era, it is still common for parents to feel uncomfortable or hesitant about discussing menstruation with their daughters. This generational hesitation often leads to misinformation and a sense of taboo surrounding menstrual health. Recognizing this ongoing issue, the event aimed to bridge the knowledge gap and open up the conversation for the young participants, providing them with the information and support they need.

Expert Guidance and Support in Menstrual Health Education

Parents, recognizing their own difficulties in discussing menstruation with their daughters, sought out Shalini Gupta for expert guidance. Shalini, our menstrual educator, led the session with her extensive experience and approachable style made the discussion on menstruation both informative and supportive. Her expertise helped address the girls' questions and concerns, creating a welcoming environment.

Throughout the session, Shalini answered a wide range of questions from the girls, making sure each concern was addressed with care and precision. Her thoughtful responses and supportive approach enabled the girls to leave the workshop feeling both informed and confident about managing their menstrual health. This session played a crucial role in empowering the girls with essential knowledge and encouraging a more open and positive attitude towards menstruation


In conclusion, the main goal of "Period Talk" was to educate young girls about menstrual health and hygiene. The workshop focused on clearing up common myths and providing practical, useful advice. It was carefully designed to create a supportive and welcoming environment.

By providing straightforward, reliable information and encouraging open discussion, the event aimed to empower the participants. This approach helped them better understand their menstrual health, enabling them to handle this important aspect of their lives with increased confidence and knowledge. The session not only answered immediate questions but also promoted a more informed and positive view of menstruation. This effort helped reduce stigma and prepared the way for better health and self-care.

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