Pinkishe Foundation hosts 'मेरा अभिमान है हिन्दी' celebrating Hindi language pride

Celebrating Hindi Pride: 'मेरा अभिमान है हिन्दी' Online Session

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Pinkishe Foundation

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September 24, 2024

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September 24, 2024

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Empowering Voices Through Poetry and Dialogue

Project Swara, an initiative of Pinkishe Foundation, is dedicated to promoting Hindi literature and providing a space for women to share their thoughts, experiences, and creativity. In this session, participants were encouraged to recite their original poems, share stories, and engage in discussions about the significance of Hindi in their lives. The event celebrated the diverse expressions of women, highlighting their pride in the language and culture.

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A Platform for Cultural Exchange

'मेरा अभिमान है हिन्दी' aimed to foster a deeper connection with the language and its cultural roots. The session provided a space for women from various backgrounds to come together, celebrate their love for Hindi, and explore its cultural significance in contemporary times. Through poetry and dialogue, participants delved into the beauty of Hindi literature and its role in shaping personal and societal narratives.

A Celebration of Language and Identity

This event was not just about poetry; it was a celebration of identity and heritage. It underscored the importance of preserving and promoting Hindi as a medium of artistic expression and cultural exchange. The participants left the session feeling more connected to their roots, empowered to continue using Hindi as a tool for self-expression and social change.

Continuing the Legacy

Through such initiatives, Pinkishe Foundation continues to provide a platform for women to voice their perspectives, promote cultural exchange, and celebrate the essence of Hindi literature. We believe that every language is a treasure, and 'मेरा अभिमान है हिन्दी' was a testament to our commitment to preserving and promoting the richness of the Hindi language.

Tune in to the episode here - Click Here

In the Swara program, Pinkishe Foundation showcased the importance of Hindi
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