Launch of Project Udaan with Flipkart Foundation

March, 2023


Pinkishe Foundation, in collaboration with the Flipkart Foundation and Give Foundation, proudly announces the launch of Project Udaan. This initiative is dedicated to enhancing menstrual health awareness and providing essential resources to girls and women, particularly in rural and marginalized communities.

Addressing Menstrual Health Challenges

Promoting Reproductive Health and Behavioral Practices
Project Udaan is designed to tackle the challenges of menstrual health by providing crucial information and eco-friendly period products. Our goal is to empower adolescent girls, dismantle menstrual taboos, and promote proper hygiene practices. The project will be rolled out in four states: Gandhinagar and Mehsana in Gujarat, Gurugram in Haryana, Bengaluru in Karnataka, and Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh.

Aiming for Comprehensive Impact
The initiative targets 1,600 girls aged 10 to 18 years directly and aims to benefit an additional 3,200 girls and women indirectly. With the support of local teams, Project Udaan will cover 20-25 schools, each hosting two-hour workshops for groups of 50 to 100 girls. These workshops will provide in-depth education on menstrual health, hygiene practices, and managing menstrual stigma.

Comprehensive Workshops and Period Kits

Educational Workshops
Workshops will cover a range of topics including hygiene practices, menstrual product options, health and nutrition, disposal methods, pain management, and emotional well-being. These sessions will also address menstrual stigma and advocate for period-positive attitudes.

Period Kits Distribution
Participants will receive period kits containing reusable cloth pads, an instruction booklet, and other essentials designed for at least two years of sustainable menstrual management. These kits aim to promote eco-friendly practices and ensure that each girl has the tools she needs for effective menstrual health management.

Fostering Dignity and Confidence

Project Udaan is committed to fostering dignity and confidence among young girls and women by addressing menstrual health openly and providing essential resources. This initiative marks a significant step towards creating a community where menstruation is embraced as a natural and manageable aspect of life.

Learn More

Discover more about Project Udaan and how it aims to transform menstrual health education at Project Udaan.

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